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Create a New Mani Repository

Run the following command inside a directory containing your git repositories:

$ mani init

This will generate two files:

  • mani.yaml: contains projects and custom tasks. Any sub-directory that has a .git inside it will be included (add the flag --auto-discovery=false to turn off this feature)
  • .gitignore: includes the projects specified in mani.yaml file. To opt out, use mani init --vcs=none

It can be helpful to initialize the mani repository as a git repository so that anyone can easily download the mani repository and run mani sync to clone all repositories and get the same project setup as you.

Run Some Commands

Now let's run some commands to see everything is working as expected.

# List all projects
$ mani list projects

# Count number of files in each project in parallel
$ mani exec --all --output table --parallel 'find . -type f | wc -l'

Next up: