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Build instructions



# Build mani for your platform target
make build

# Build mani binaries and archives for all platforms using goreleaser
make build-all

# Generate Manpage
make gen-man


# Format code
make gofmt

# Manage dependencies (download/remove unused)
make tidy

# Lint code
make lint

# Build mani and get an interactive docker shell with completion
make build-exec

# Standing in _example directory you can run the following to debug faster
(cd .. && make build-and-link && cd - && ../dist/mani run multi -p template-generator)


The following workflow is used for releasing a new mani version:

  1. Create pull request with changes
  2. Verify build works (especially windows build)
    • make build
    • make build-all
  3. Pass all integration and unit tests locally
    • make test-integration
    • make test-unit
  4. Update and if any config changes and generate manpage
    • make gen-man
  5. Update Makefile and with correct version, and add all changes to
  6. Squash-merge to main with Release vx.y.z and description of changes
  7. Run make release, which will:
    • Create a git tag with release notes
    • Trigger a build in Github that builds cross-platform binaries and generates release notes of changes between current and previous tag

Dependency Graph

Create SVG dependency graphs using graphviz and goda

goda graph "" | dot -Tsvg -o res/graph.svg
goda graph "" | dot -Tsvg -o res/graph-full.svg